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  • Harry David

Christianity: A lifestyle NOT a RELIGION

In a post-modern world of today, the public mostly sees Religion as inferior, violent and problem in which humanity is evolved enough to put off in light of reason and logic. I do not believe that is so. Last Sundays homily father said, "if Christianity becomes a religion, it is dead... it is a


Christianity is a lifestyle, we are told this even through our most "religious" of ceremonies: the Eucharist! the Eucharist is the breaking of bread together in the sight of Jesus, and commit that we will act like him: to love. forgive and to give mercy. That is what a christian is called to do. The great commandment: “You shall love...God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength....You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31). The Gospels is full of these commissions, that Jesus gives us to commandment to do charity (Matthew 25). to be merciful (John 8:1-11).

A lifestyle in which we are called to look into our hearts before we place judgement on others. The story of 'Jesus and the adulteress women,' tells the story of Jesus asking the men of the town, if they have committed a sin and uttered the famous words, "he without sin, shall cast the first stone" (John 8:7). To me, this shows that we must not look down onto people, because we are not perfect too. Not to accept every action, but to Love them and work with them.This is the message in which I see Christianity today. A message of Love, hope and mercy. The lifestyle, I can share!

At the ascension, we became the body of Christ on earth; therefore, we must act as Jesus acted; not just by ourselves, but as a community.

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